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Basic Muster Report

The Basic Muster Report provides a list of all users who have been active on the selected site within the last 8 hours from the time that the report is run.

It shows their last known location (which reader they most recently used) and if their last known location is the reader selected as the 'Muster Point' then they are marked as safe.

Any users who have been on site within the last 8 hours and their last known location is NOT the muster point reader will be marked as ABSENT.


This report should be used for guidance only and is not a guarantee of a user's safety.

Input parameters​

Door IDThe door or location where your staff should 'muster' - this location is considered 'safe'.

Report Format​

This report provides an output similar to the table shown below.

First NameLast NameLast Known LocationDoor IDTimeStatus
DeanKernotCar Park2022-01-01 09:30:00safe
JohnSmithStaff Room2022-01-01 09:15:00ABSENT